About Us
The Family Reading Partnership is a non-profit community organization that promotes early literacy.

We are a broad-based, locally grown coalition of individuals, businesses, schools, libraries and other organizations. We have joined forces to “create a culture of literacy” by promoting family reading practices throughout our community.
We know that literacy — the ability to read, write and communicate clearly — will define a child’s future success in school and in life. We also know that literacy development, the process that brings children to reading, begins in the first years of life at home. Long before children enter school, early experiences with books build a strong foundation for learning.
Only 39% of parents nationally read to their children on a regular basis. In our own community, it is estimated that an alarming 20 – 25% of children enter a classroom for the first time having had few or no experiences with books at home.
By working together, we can change these facts. We strive to incorporate family reading awareness, encouragement and books into networks and services that already touch the lives of families.
Mission, Vision, and Principles
Since our founding in 1997 we have gained knowledge and developed an understanding about our work that has given shape to the following principles that guide us in carrying out our mission.
Our Staff
The dedicated staff of the Family Reading Partnership works hard to provide opportunities for families to “Make Friends with Books!”
Our Board of Directors
Retired elementary school teachers, college professors, a pediatrician, financial planners, school administrators, and other experts in their fields help the Family Reading Partnership create a culture of literacy in our own community and beyond.
Our Community Partners
A core belief of the Family Reading Partnership is to use the networks already in place in our community to connect people with books. Our partners are essential for our success. We appreciate everyone who has been involved in our efforts.
Family Reading Partnership Founder
Founder Brigid Hubberman created Family Reading Partnership in 1997. Her dedication to creating a culture of literacy was the spark that started our organization and continues to inspire us and shape our work.
Our Impact
Our many programs have given children books to own and families encouragement to read. As told in the anecdotes of parents, teachers, social worker and other professionals, here are some of our stories.
The “Power of Words”
These articles, originally published in the Ithaca Journal, tell about the amazing impact books and stories had in the lives of these guest columnists.