Story Walks
This program launched in 2018 takes high quality children’s books and transforms them into an interactive outdoor experience that both children and adults can enjoy together. Book pages are laminated and mounted on posts, which are installed along a path in an outdoor location. Stories that are well suited to being read in this dynamic way are selected in consultation with our early childhood specialist, and rotated out throughout the year, or for different seasons. Caregivers walk along the path with their little ones and read each page as they come to it.
A Partnership Project of
- Family Reading Partnership
- Area parks and municipalities

Newfield Story Walk
247 Main St. Newfield, NY
Trail starts at the playground in front of school.
Sponsored by TSB Foundation

Lansing Center Trail
104 Auburn Rd, Lansing NY
Trail starts from the Scoops Ice Cream parking lot.
We have taken over stewardship of this story walk after years of loving care by Lansing Loves to Read.

Groton Memorial Park
Groton, NY
Starts at Groton Memorial Park, behind the pool.

Dotson Park Trail
1825 Danby Rd, Danby NY
At the Natural playground.
In partnership with the Danby Community Parks Association
Funded by Rotary Club of Ithaca

Jim Schug Trail
61 W Main St. Dryden, NY
Village of Dryden, next to Agway.
Sponsorship provided in loving memory of Grandma Alice by her grateful family.

Enfield Community Center
162 Enfield Main Rd. Enfield NY
Located behind the Community Center